
LiBerry is a desktop library management application for librarians to manage their books and borrowers. It is a software optimized for librarians who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface (CLI), whereby interactions with the software are done through text commands.

The main features of LiBerry include managing and searching for books, registering new borrowers, borrowing books and recording fines.

This portfolio serves to demonstrate my proficiency in the various aspects of software engineering such as coding, project management and technical writing skills in crafting documentation that fits the target user.

My role was to design and implement the code for the loan feature, which will be further elaborated in the following sections. Also included are the details of the relevant documentation I have written in the user and developer guide to assist users and other developers to understand these features.

Summary of Contributions

This section summarizes the contributions I have made to the team project.

Main enhancement - Loaning feature

I implemented the commands and functionality related to the loaning and returning of books.

What it does

This feature set allows our users, librarians, to loan books to borrowers, return loaned out books, renew loaned out books such that their due dates are extended, and to pay fines incurred for overdue books.


As the main purpose of a library is to allow visitors to borrow books, this feature set is core to a library and is needed for a library to function. The tracking of loaned out and returned books allows the user to easily manage a library. Allowing librarians to renew loaned out books can help them better serve borrowers who want to read the books for a longer period. The fine system for overdue books also ties in nicely with many libraries' policy of charging fines to deter late returns.


The implementation of these features was challenging as a whole new set of code had to be written to model each loan occurrence and to store these information. The book, borrower and the loan object had to be linked efficiently to reduce duplicated information stored. Moreover, a great deal of defensive programming was applied as there were many bounds to each of these features. For example, these features should only work when certain conditions are met, such as when the user is currently serving borrowers and the inputs correspond to a book that is not on loan. Additionally, I also created utility classes like DateUtil and FineUtil to centralize utility functions that dealt with dates and fines respectively.

Other contributions

Project management

  • Managed the issues covered for each milestone and set up their deadlines. I also added each feature as an issue and assigned them to the appropriate team member.

  • Set up two Github project boards, one to brainstorm and prioritize user stories, and another to keep track of the features and commands.

  • Updated the developer guide to include user stories, use cases and non-functional requirements. Done through pull requests:

    • #81 - Included user stories and non-functional requirements specific to LiBerry.

    • #157 - Updated non-functional requirements and use cases and added a general use case diagram.

  • Maintained the team project website, including the site headers, navigation bar, badges and photos. Done through pull requests:

    • #86 - Updated Travis badges.

    • #97 - Updated header, README, contact us, developer photos, role and responsibilities.

  • Managed the release of v1.1 of our project.

Enhancements to existing features

  • Enhanced code for the Borrower class to be immutable. Done through pull request:

    • #152 - Modified fields in Borrower to be immutable and added methods in the class to return new copies instead of mutating values in the current object.

  • Upgraded the set command to support setting the maximum renew count such that librarians can define what is the maximum number of times a book can be renewed. Done through pull request:

    • #178 - Modified the set command to take in maximum renew count and integrated this setting to the model component.

  • Updated the user interface to reflect more borrower-related details. Done through pull request:

    • #179 - Updated panel dimensions to fit more results and added more borrower-related information such as the total outstanding fine.


  • Wrote the quick start guide in the user guide.

  • Wrote the documentation and guide to the Logic component of our software in the developer guide.

  • Improved and rectified the flow, content, styling, legend and diagrams of the user guide and developer guide according to feedback received from tutor and peers.


  • Gave in-depth and insightful reviews of team members' pull requests.

  • Reviewed other team’s documentation, including their user stories, non-functional requirements and use of UML diagrams.

  • Contributed a helpful tip on the forum regarding the hiding of URL links when printing to PDF.


  • Integrated a new Github plugin, Coveralls, to the project repository. Coveralls was immensely helpful in tracking the test coverage of our team’s code.

  • Set up Netlify for the project repository to easily and quickly preview changes made to the project website and documentation.

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

Loaning book(s): loan

Loan book(s) to the currently served borrower.
The serial number of the book is used as the borrower would bring the physical copy of the book they want to borrow to you. Thus, you do not have to search for the index of the book in the displayed book list.

Format: loan sn/BOOK_SN
Format: loan sn/BOOK_SN [sn/BOOK_SN]…​ - Coming in v2.0


  • loan sn/B00006
    You loan out the book with serial number B00006 to the currently served borrower.

    ug loan pic
    Figure 1. The user interface after the book is loaned out.

    After this command is entered, the command results display will provide you with a summary of which book is loaned out and tho who it is loaned to. As seen from the screenshot, the book will also be added to the list of currently loaned out books in the borrower’s panel on the right. Inside the main list on the left, an on-loan box would also indicate this book as being loaned out.

  • loan sn/B00201 sn/B02929 sn/B00203 - Coming in v2.0
    You loan out the books with serial numbers B00201, B02929 and B00203 to the currently served borrower.

Returning book(s): return

Return book(s) that were loaned by the borrower.
Fine incurred for late returns will automatically be calculated and added to the borrower’s total outstanding fines.

Format: return INDEX or return -all

  • Returns the book at the specified INDEX in the borrower panel or -all of the currently served borrower’s loaned out books.

  • INDEX indicates the book at this index number shown in the borrower’s book list on the right side of the UI. The index must be a positive integer such as 1, 2 or 3, and must appear in the borrower panel.

  • -all indicates all the books currently loaned out by the borrower.

ug return
Figure 2. Screenshot to illustrate the return commands that can be entered.
  • Referring to the above screenshot as an example, entering return 1 would successfully return the book "Stefe Jobz". However, entering return 3 would be invalid as there’s no book at index 3 in the borrower panel. Entering return -all would return all of Bobby’s loaned out books, which are "Stefe Jobz" and "Behaves".

Renewing book(s): renew

Renew book(s) that are still loaned by the borrower, i.e., extend their due dates.

Format: renew INDEX or renew -all

  • Renews the book at the specified INDEX in the borrower panel or all of the currently served borrower’s loaned out books that can still be renewed.

  • INDEX indicates the book at this index number shown in the borrower’s book list on the right side of the UI. The index must be a positive integer such as 1, 2 or 3, and must appear in the borrower panel.

  • -all indicates all the books currently loaned out by the borrower that still can be renewed.

  • You cannot renew overdue books or books that have reached the maximum renew count.

  • If you just loaned out or renewed a book, you cannot renew that same book in the same Serve mode session.

Paying fines: pay

Receive AMOUNT (in dollars and up to 2 decimal places) from the currently served borrower to pay off his/her outstanding fines.

Format: pay $AMOUNT


  • pay $12.80
    You receive $12.80 from the borrower to pay off his/her fine.

    ug pay
    Figure 3. The command results display after paying fines.

    As seen from the screenshot above, after a fine amount is paid, a summary can be seen. You will see any outstanding fine the borrower still has. If the borrower pays an amount greater than his/her total outstanding fine, you can refer to the change given line to see how much change you should return to the borrower.

  • pay $5
    You receive $5 from the borrower to pay off his/her fine.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

Book loaning feature

Details of Implementation

The functionalities and commands associated with the book loaning feature are loan, return, pay and renew. This feature set is mainly facilitated by the Loan association class between a Book and a Borrower.

The object diagram at the state when a book is just loaned out can be seen below.

Figure 4. Loan object diagram after a new Loan is created

At that instant shown in the diagram, the Borrower with BorrowerId K0789 currently has a Book with SerialNumber B00456 loaned out. The Loan associated with this book loan, with LoanId L000123, is stored in the LoanRecords class of the model component. Both the Book and Borrower objects also have access to this Loan object.

In each Loan object, only the BorrowerId of the Borrower and SerialNumber of the Book is stored to reduce circular dependency. The LoanRecords class stores all the Loan objects tracked by LiBerry in a HashMap, where the key is its LoanId.

The immutability of each object is supported to ensure the correctness of undo and redo functionality.


The following activity diagram summarizes what happens when a user enters a loan command.

Figure 5. Activity diagram when a loan command is entered

After LoanCommand#execute(model) is called, this series of checks shown in the above diagram is done to determine if the book can be loaned to the currently served borrower.

When a book is successfully loaned out to a borrower, a new Loan object is created. The LoanId is automatically generated according to the number of loans in the LoanRecords object in the model. The startDate is also automatically set to today’s date. The endDate is automatically set according to the loan period set in the user settings. This Loan object is added to LoanRecords through the call to Model#addLoan(loan).

The new Borrower instance is created by copying the details of the borrower from the original object, and also with this Loan object being added into its currentLoanList. The new borrower object then replaces the old borrower object in the BorrowerRecords object in the model. These two steps are done through the method call to Model#servingBorrowerNewLoan(loan). The new Book instance is also created by copying the details of the original book object, and likewise, with this Loan object added into it. Similarly, the new book object replaces the old book object in the Catalog object in the model through the call to Model#setBook(bookToBeLoaned, loanedOutBook). These were done to support the immutability of the objects.


When a loaned out book is successfully returned by a borrower, the associated Loan object is moved from the borrower’s currentLoanList to returnedLoanList. Inside the book object, this Loan object is also removed. Inside this loan object, the returnDate is set to today’s date. The remainingFineAmount of this loan object is also calculated based on the daily fine increment set in the user settings.

Similarly, the creation of new objects for replacement is also done to support immutability. The return command is supported by the methods Model#setBook(bookToBeReturned, returnedBook), Model#servingBorrowerReturnLoan(returningLoan) and Model#updateLoan(loanToBeReturned, returnedLoan), which updates the Catalog, BorrowerRecords and LoanRecords in the model respectively.

Paying fines

When a fine amount is successfully paid by a borrower through the call to Model#payFines(amountInCents), the remainingFineAmount and paidFineAmount of the loans in the borrower’s returnedLoanList is updated accordingly. The fine amount is tracked individually inside each loan object instead of as a variable inside the Borrower instance that stores the total fine amount incurred by that borrower. This is done to support the ease of extension in the future. For example, the total fine each book has garnered can be easily calculated.

Similarly, the creation of new objects for replacement is also done to support immutability.


The following sequence diagram illustrates the series of method calls when a RenewCommand is executed to renew book(s).

Figure 6. Sequence diagram illustrating the execution of a RenewCommand

As seen in the diagram, firstly, a list of books that can be renewed is obtained through the RenewCommand#getRenewingBooks(model) method. For each Loan object associated with each book, a new instance is created with its original renewCount incremented by 1 and its dueDate extended by the renew period set in the user settings. This is done through the method call to Loan#renewLoan(extendedDueDate). The call to Book#renewBook(renewedLoan) then returns a new instance of this book with its loan object updated.

The method calls to Model#setBook(bookToBeRenewed, renewedBook), Model#servingBorrowerRenewLoan(loanToBeRenewed, renewedLoan) and Model#updateLoan(loanToBeRenewed, renewedLoan) then updates the Catalog, BorrowerRecords and LoanRecords respectively.

Design Considerations

Aspect: File storage of loans

Inside the model, for each current loan (loans that are not returned yet), the Book, the Borrower and the LoanRecords point to the same Loan object. LiBerry’s storage system is such that Catalog stores the books, BorrowerRecords stores the borrowers and LoanRecords stores the loans. Thus, a decision was made to decide how these loans are serialized and stored in the user’s file system.

  • Alternative 1: Save the entire Loan object in each book in catalog.json and save the entirety of every single Loan object associated with a borrower in borrowerrecords.json. The Loan object is also duplicated in loanrecords.json.

    • Pros: Easy to implement. No need to read storage files in a specific order.

    • Cons: Storage memory size issues. The same information is duplicated and stored in all 3 storage files.

  • Alternative 2 (selected choice): Save only the LoanId of each Loan object in each book in catalog.json and save a list of LoanId in each borrower in borrowerrecords.json. The whole Loan object is only saved in loanrecords.json. When reading the storage files at the start of the application, loanrecords.json needs to be read in first, before the borrowers and books can be read in as they would get the loan objects from the LoanRecords based on their LoanId s.

    • Pros: Uses less memory as only LoanId is stored for the books and borrowers, instead of the whole serialized loan objects.

    • Cons: The reading of stored files have to be in a certain correct order. It must be ensured that the correct Loan object is referenced after reading in borrowerrecords.json and catalog.json, and also every time a Loan object is updated. The method used to retrieve a Loan object from its LoanId must also be fast enough as there can be hundreds of thousands of loans.

Alternative 2 was chosen as this significantly reduced the file size of the storage files. If alternative 1 was used, the memory needed to store each Loan object would be 3 times more compared to alternative 2. Furthermore, LoanRecords could then also serve as a single source of truth for loan data.

Aspect: Data structure to support recording of loans in LoanRecords
  • Alternative 1: Use a list data structure, such as an ArrayList to store the loans in the model component.

    • Pros: Easy to implement. Easy to obtain insertion order of the loans and sort through the list.

    • Cons: Slow to search for a Loan based on its LoanId, i.e., O(n) time, as the list must be traversed to find the correct associated Loan object. The additional time taken adds up when reading the storage files during the starting up of the application. Thus, it can make the application feel laggy and unresponsive at the start.

  • Alternative 2 (selected choice): Use a HashMap to store the loans, where the key is its LoanId.

    • Pros: Fast to retrieve a Loan object based on its LoanId, i.e., O(1) time.

    • Cons: Insertion order is not preserved. Have to traverse through all the loan objects in the HashMap to check their startDate in order to obtain their insertion order.

Alternative 2 was chosen as the application frequently needs to retrieve and access a Loan object based on its LoanId. Thus, using a HashMap would greatly reduce the time needed for such operations. Moreover, the application rarely needed to obtain the insertion order of a Loan object.